Because of an unnatural weather change, chillers have nowadays become a need of any industry. For example, if the cooling arrangement of an association or industry falls flat or goes haywire, individuals become defenseless because of hot temperatures if quickly an elective game plan isn't given. During summer, especially, a poor or non-working cooling framework might actually ruin individuals' days off prompting censuring associations or alternately lodging's standing. Wasteful chillers can squander huge measures of power, and surprisingly unassuming upgrades in proficiency might yield considerable energy reserve funds and alluring restitutions.
Notwithstanding, select a chiller (and its related effectiveness) cautiously by purchasing a chiller that is profoundly productive. Nonetheless, it may not be practical in all cases. Recollect that chillers are entire of a chilled water framework, and the effectiveness and control of siphons and cooling pinnacles can essentially affect general proficiency.
Amplifying the effectiveness of the chiller alone doesn't guarantee that the framework will work productively. To amplify cost-adequacy, we suggest dissecting the whole chilled water framework just as practicing care in determining the proficiency of the actual chiller.
Adiabatic cooling:
To increase the performance and efficiency of the chillers the precooling is used . Adiabatic cooling technology or “precooling” for air-cooled chillers essentially reduces the temperature of the air passing across the cooling coils by spraying water into the incoming air stream. The principle is as water is sprayed in the form of a mist onto the incoming air stream. The water increases the relative humidity of the air, causing heat to transfer from the hot, ambient air to the transfer of heat by way of evaporation. This reduces the temperature of the air moving across the coils.
The key advantage that this system brings is the reduction in energy costs due to the lowering of the discharge pressures. Studies have shown that a 10-degree reduction in air temperature can lower the power consumption by 12 – 14%.
Overview of Adiabatic Cooling:
Air-cooled chillers have many advantages over water-cooled chillers – lower maintenance costs as the number of components are less, cheaper to maintain, reduced complicity views no separate cooling towers, pumping systems, etc. Air-cooled chillers are not effective when the ambient temperature becomes very high, especially, in the critical peak temperature days that are experienced in the northern belt of India. The main attraction for water-cooled chillers is the lower energy consumption as compared to air-cooled chillers. The difference in energy can vary from 10 – 25% depending on the application, location, and type of product. Air-cooled chillers of course have the main advantage of using very little water which makes them beneficial in regions where water availability is limited.
Refrigerant gas absorbs the heat from the chilled water and is compressed as in a standard chiller operation. The condensation occurs in the cooling coils rather than in a condenser and the heat exchange medium is air passed across the cooling coils at high speed. Thus, the cooler the air passing across the coils, the better will be the condensation and the lower will be the energy utilization.
Chillers consume the maximum amount of energy in a commercial building set up and hence, any opportunity to lower energy usage is an opportunity to lower operating costs for the owners and users. While good use of the Adiabatic cooling chillers can help reduce energy usage, new technologies that can be retrofitted into the system will lead to large savings. The pre-cooling or adiabatic cooling system is an emerging retrofit option that can with low-cost inputs, lead to sizable savings. The system is easy to install, does not need major modifications and the maintenance costs are low. And the energy is also saved.