Misting Cooling System company in  Rajasthan

Manufacturers, Suppliers and Integrators of Misting system in Rajastan with installation spread in various cities including Jaipur. Mist Cooling systems use evaporated cooling mechanism and it works perfectly in dry weather conditions. They work averagely in humid weather conditions and can reduce dust, odors and static electricity, as well as flying insects such as Mosquitoes, Bugs etc. It also helps to regulate and maintain humidity for Plants, Greenhouses, Homes, Atrium, Courtyards, Patios, Hotels, Restaurants, etc.

Our Installations in Rajasthan

Our Customers in Rajasthan Includes
Hotels and resturants in Jodhpur, Jaipur and Kota
and neumorous other customers

Misting System at Resturants


Beaches, swimming pools, aqua parks, holiday villages, Walkways (cooling, scenic performance)
Resorts (cooling, humidification, scenic performance)
Bars, Restaurants, Hotels (cooling, scenic performance)
Factory farming (cooling, insect removal)
Greenhouses (humidification, cooling)
Animal Farms (Cooling)
Industrial warehouses (cooling, humidification, dust and odors suppression)
Wineries (humidification, cooling)
Quarries (dust suppression)
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