What is a Roof Mist Cooling System?
The roof of your house is the primary line of safeguard in securing your property against harm. Nonetheless, consistent openness to daylight can disintegrate the nature of your roof over the long haul. Furthermore, if not fixed ideal, it can neglect to withstand serious climate components and won't ensure you and your homes inside as it ought to.
- Heat Reduction
- Natural Flying Insect Repellant
Why Roof Mist Cooling System is required for your home or commercial space?
Roof tiles are made with fundamental oils and climate-proofing synthetics that assist tiles with moving and change shape to shield your inside from harm.
Notwithstanding, with time, the warmth from the sun gradually and continuously evaporates these oils in view of which the tiles lose their adaptability and at last debilitate. Disintegrating and powerless tiles are known to offer an approach to genuine underlying harm to your roof. UV beams can likewise make openings that give entry to rainwater, bringing about spills. Along these lines, keep your roof's surface cool and very much shielded from the sun.
System Used
- A High pressure misting is used to pressurize the water from the hose. A 70 Bar Pressure is standard for most high-pressure outdoor misting systems.
- In higher pressure nozzles, the outlet is adjustable and can be pinched down to produce finer water droplets or mist.
- The reason mist evaporates so quickly is because it uses heat in the air. Each droplet as it evaporates takes a bit of heat with it. Scale this up to millions of droplets and the result is an instantaneously cooler environment.
As putting in new roofing frameworks can be exorbitant, a decent option here can be placed in the roof cooling framework. A roof misting framework is savvy and profoundly useful. It gives mortgage holders an extraordinary and affordable answer for cool roofs without substantial fixes or establishments.
- Simple to function
- Easy to operate & clean
- Reduce the ambient temperature
- Improved air conditioning solutions
- Application-specific designed
- Preventive solutions
- Apt for outdoor & indoor cooling
In Conclusion, by introducing a roof mist cooling framework, you can undoubtedly keep your roof cool. The misting framework ceaselessly splashes ultra-fine mist on your roof which is immediately consumed by the sun's energy. This disintegrates the water drops and would thus be able to make a cool zone in a split second. The cool air then, at that point sinks down on the roof while the hot air rises.