In many workplaces, high temperature is the cause of both labor and machinery efficiency decline.

Additionally, the floating small particles which are produced by the industrial processing of the materials are a serious problem for the staff’s health and the operation of the machines.

Specialized misting systems can provide a solution to these important industrial problems by using special high pressure pumps that convert water to a cloud, in order to reduce dust in the area.

With the specialized industrial misting systems we have the following advantages:

Suppress floating microbes.
Remove unpleasant smells.
Achieve desired moisture levels.
Temperature drop especially during summer months.
Avoid damages to machinery.
Increased labor efficiency.
Increased production.
Reduced energy cost.
Low operating and maintenance cost.


Can they produce good amount of moisture?

Yes they provide sufficient moisture. Best for humidification application.

Will the fog wet the floor or area?

No, it’s very fine mist particles and will not cause any wetness.

How often do I clean the nozzles?

Depends upon usage. Each high pressure nozzle has a inbuilt filters made of Polyethelene material.

What are the connectors made of?

Connectors are made of Nickel coated brass or Stainless Steel material

Should a pre-filter be used?

Yes, we also provide it as an add-on option. Pre-filter removes the micron sized particles.
Tags: Manufacturers of Industrial Mist Cooling Systems, Industrial Evaporative Cooling System, Fogging system in textile, Industrial Humidification plant
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